Liability Waiver

General Exclusion

You may have rights under consumer protection legislation that applies to you, e.g. the Australian Consumer Law, which cannot be excluded, limited or modified by these terms. To the maximum extent permitted by law, Control Pilates and Yoga Pty Ltd (Contro Pilates and Yoga), our directors, employees, consultants, shareholders, agents and other representatives:

-       exclude liability for any loss, however caused (including by negligence), relating to or arising directly or indirectly from undertaking or participating in any exercise program offered by Contro Pilates and Yoga, accessing or using the Contro Pilates and Yoga premises, using any property or equipment supplied by Contro Pilates and Yoga, and/or relying on any representatives or advice or any content on this website; and

-       exclude liability (including any liability for negligence) for any inaccuracy, unreliability, lack of currency, incompleteness, unsuitability and/or unavailability of any services, representatives and/or advice provided by Contro Pilates and Yoga.

This exclusion of liability includes, but is not limited to, compensatory damages, direct loss, consequential or indirect loss, loss of data, corruption of data, loss of programs, loss of income, loss of profit, loss of anticipated savings, loss of use, loss of financial opportunity, loss of business, loss of reputation, loss of property, damage to property, personal injury and third-party claims.


Prior to first undertaking a class at Contro Pilates and Yoga, you should consult with a qualified medical professional to ensure you are aware of your current condition and any pre-existing injuries, medical conditions and/or other restrictions that may be applicable to you and your personal situation.

Contro Pilates and Yoga facilities an environment where it is encouraged you do not overexert yourself or complete exercises above your physical capability. If you feel pain or discomfort, you should stop immediately and alert your instructor. You should seek assistance from a qualified medical professional if there are any changes to your physical condition at any time.

By undertaking any exercise program at Contro Pilates and Yoga, you acknowledge that you do so at your own risk. Neither Contro Pilates and Yoga nor our directors, employees, consultants, shareholders, agents and other representatives will be liable for any personal injury, loss, claim, damage or liability of any nature arising as a result of, or in connection with you undertaking or participating in Contro Pilates and Yoga’s exercise programs or following any representations or advice.


Injury and Other Medical Conditions

If you are aware of a pre-existing injury or any other medical condition, then it is a pre-condition of entering into Contro Pilates and Yoga's premises and participating in Contro Pilates and Yoga’s exercise programs that you have received clearance from a qualified medical professional to exercise.

You must notify your instructor of any pre-existing injuries or medical conditions which may impact your ability to perform certain exercises.

It is up to you to immediately stop any exercises which are exacerbating your injury or medical condition and seek medical help as soon as possible.

Contro Pilates and Yoga’s classes are not developed for rehabilitation and are not a substitute for medical treatment provided by a qualified medical professional. It is expected the class members are up to a reasonable standard of fitness and health to exercise.

Contro Pilates and Yoga does not take any responsibility for the worsening of any injury or medical condition.